I’m not really sure how it all started. Joss and I
were just sophomores in college, you know? We rarely sleep, and we eat crap
that barely qualifies as food. (Prime example: microwavable Velveeta mac and
cheese. Never again.) I trip over Joss’s shoes every day without fail, and she
complains that I leave dirty mugs everywhere. When we’ve both had enough of
school and work and our parents, we open the window of our dinky, little
apartment, blast the music we’ve sung at countless sleepover karaoke nights, and
dance along. I have anxiety so bad some days that I cannot get out of bed, and
Joss is the highest functioning insomniac I’ve ever met. We are not people that
were built to be superheroes.
We’re just kids. We were never meant to save the
world. We just want to figure out how to live in it. We had a plan, the same
plan we’d had since middle school: go to school in the city, live together, and
figure the rest out later. I would get my probably useless degree in History,
and Joss would conquer the world of computer science. We had a plan. The world,
however, had another plan for us. Joss would say that is was never that poetic.
She would say that people needed our help, and so we helped them. As simple as
that. She is right in a way. Joss has always been good at getting to the point.
But I have to think it was more than that because we were the only ones who
become vigilantes. We were the only ones who did something.
Joss was right about one thing. There was no single
triggering event that told us we had to do this. There was no dramatic murder
or trial that signaled that our city needed saving. There was no Joker
terrorizing the streets, threatening to blow up buildings. Which is probably a
good thing because 1) we are NOT in any way qualified to handle that and 2)
Joss has a serious thing for psychopaths. We’ll get to that later. Instead,
things just started to change.
I’m not sure if the changes were the result of the
election. Maybe this kind of hatred and violence had been brewing in our city
all along, and we were just too blind to see it. Maybe we didn’t want to. Maybe
the election just made a lot of bad things acceptable to the general public.
After all, if the president could demean wide groups of people, wasn’t it okay
for everyone to do so? Ban the Muslims. Build a wall. Grab that pussy. It was
shocking for us to realize that we read out of Anne Frank’s diary in the eighth
grade was wrong. All people were not good at heart. Some people were bad. Some
people just wanted to hurt others, and some people would get away with it.
The city did not change overnight. Nothing really
changes overnight, not even when you are afraid it will. But it did change. It
changed slowly and systematically, and we felt powerless to do anything about
out. No one seemed to be listening to us. No one seemed to care if our friends
were hurt. No one was going to help people that the leader of our city did not
even consider people. Our parents started to beg us to commute from home. The
city was getting dangerous, after all, and wouldn’t we be more comfortable away
from it all? We stayed, and my mom sent me two cans of pepper spray (one for
Joss, too) and a Swiss Army knife. Joss laughed and told me I was lucky she
hadn’t assigned us an older brother bodyguard.
I got such a kick out of this story, Jillian, and I can't wait to read Chapter 1.